PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, also known by the acronym PUBG, is the most played game on Steam. It reaches 2 million simultaneous players every day and, due to its popularity, is a constant target of cheaters or hackers. However, now apart from all these things, the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is still betting on the sports side of its battle royale and has decided to move this bet to its mobile version, PUBG Mobile. The game, which exceeded one hundred million downloads in the month of July, will have a world tournament with $600,000 in prizes, the PUBG Mobile Star Challenge. The competition will be available for teams from Europe, Asia, North America, and South America, although the press release sent by the organization highlights both China, on the one hand, and Japan and Korea, on the other, as independent regions from the rest of Asia. So it is expected that the teams of these countries compete separately to reach the finals of the tournament, which will be played in Dubai during the last months of this 2019. Registrations from some regions were already closed on September 10 and were limited to those with more than 1000 followers on streaming platforms, although they could complete their teams with other players even if they did not meet these minimum requirements. One of the sponsors of the tournament is the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, curiously the same phone model that joined in its launch with Fortnite to welcome the battle royale of Epic Games in its Android version. This sponsorship has also meant the arrival of PUBG Mobile to a new download platform: Samsung Galaxy Apps. The tournament will be divided into several phases, the first one a series of qualifiers. Subsequently, the regional finals will be played, from which twenty teams from each one will compete to compete in the global tournament. The global champion will pocket $250,000, while for the second and third place, $100,000 and $50,000 are reserved, respectively. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


PUBG Mobile Star Challenge To Give Out  600 000 Reward - 53PUBG Mobile Star Challenge To Give Out  600 000 Reward - 95PUBG Mobile Star Challenge To Give Out  600 000 Reward - 71