Jani who hails from Helsinki Finland discovered a flaw that permitted him to edit any caption or even comment on Instagram. He is not eligible to sign up with Facebook as per the terms of Facebook or Instagram, however he didn’t discovered this flaw by using account, he was able to show the hack without logging into an account. “I could’ve deleted anyone’s, like Justin Bieber’s comments from there,” the boy told Iltalehti. The budding security expert, Jani submitted the vulnerability to Facebook earlier this year. He verified his claim by deleting a comment that the company published on a test account. The bug was resolved in February this year. Later in March, Facebook informed Jani of the fix and rewarded him with $10,000. At the beginning, Jani was interested in coding video games but then “started to get interested on information security and started watching Youtube videos on it.” Jani plans to buy a new bike, football kit and new computers for his brothers from the bug bounty amount, he said to Iltalehti. Jani has set record of becoming youngest ever user for reporting bug under Facebook bug bounty program.


10 Year Old Hacked Instagram  Gets Bounty of  10 000 from Facebook - 9810 Year Old Hacked Instagram  Gets Bounty of  10 000 from Facebook - 1610 Year Old Hacked Instagram  Gets Bounty of  10 000 from Facebook - 5810 Year Old Hacked Instagram  Gets Bounty of  10 000 from Facebook - 35